Information Security Awareness Week

Returning from its encrypted storage, InfoSec Awareness Week is a 5 day virtual event with talks, games and interviews from across the University covering a range of topics: Tune in from 4th October 2021. For any enquiries, please email our team at

The schedule

Please note: these sessions will not be recorded unless stated otherwise

Time Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th
10am     Scams and Fraud - a talk with Finance and EUSA Mobile Security Catch the phish
11am Opening event: How the Pandemic has shaped the landscape How Hackers Attack Information Security - know the basics Crime Prevention and Security at UoE Hacking Humans
12pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1pm Safety and Security round table  Security, Cost and Convenience Digital Safety and Citizenship Data Protection Closing event
2pm   LastPass Essentials Coffee and Security Ethics in security and data privacy CISO Simulation 

Recorded sessions on demand with subtitles

Safety and Security round table

Security, Cost and Convenience

LastPass Essentials

Scams and Fraud - a talk with Finance and EUSA

Information Security - know the basics

Digital Safety and Citizenship

Crime Prevention and Security at UoE

Data Protection 

Live sessions


Opening event: How the Pandemic has shaped the landscape

Join us for the start of awareness week where we will discuss how the last year has changed the Information Security Landscape and the impact that has had at the University.

Security Round Table

This conversational session brings physical security, digital safety and information security around a virtual table to discuss the differences in their roles and the issues they have in common.

Come along with your preferred hot beverage and drop a question to our panel.

Security, Cost and Convenience

An often overlooked element of Security is that it has to work in balance with everything else. Information being worthless if nobody can access or use it, how do we manage the need to keep it safe against that need for access. In this session we will dig deeper into this tension and explore the relationship between Security, Cost and Convenience.

Lastpass Essentials

This talk provides an overview of the issues surrounding weak/re-used passwords and the very real problems they can cause. This session will also provide a solution to this and will go into depth about LastPass, the password manager here at the University, and how to use it, with a Q&A at the end.


Scams and Fraud - a talk with Finance and EUSA

Scams are a threat in all parts of our lives, impacting people, businesses and even governments. In this session we invite speakers from University Finance and the EUSA Advice place to discuss scams they have seen and how we can better protect ourselves against them.

Finance - Fraud Awareness

EUSA - Accomodation scams

EUSA - Scams affecting students

Information security - know the basics

An introductory session on what information security is, why its matters and our top ten tips to secure your data at the University, and at home.

Digital Safety and Citizenship

From Dr Vicki Madden, this session explores the concept of digital safety, what it means and how we can be better, safer digital citizens.

Digital Safety and Citizenship web hub

Coffee and Security

This round table style session will provoke discussion on topics within information security, with guest speakers including some of our own Information Security Champions

Mobile Security

This talk provides a high level overview of mobile phones and the security landscape they operate within. The attack surface along with examples of threats are highlighted along with top ten security tips to help with securing mobile devices.

Crime Prevention and Security at the University

Neil Doig talks us through the role of Security at the University and their wider role within crime prevention. Do you know who to call if you see a crime on campus? Have you ever wanted to get your biked marked to deter theft? Have you ever wondered how the University engages with the police when things go wrong? Neil has the answers and more besides.


Data Protection

From the Data Protection Office: A basic introduction to the world of Data Protection and its role within the University of Edinburgh. Followed by a Q&A.

Data Protection

Ethics in security and data privacy

Are government departments right to use facial recognition software in public areas without consent? How do we monitor the actions of artificial intelligence? What privacy would you sacrifice for greater security? Some guest speakers discuss these questions in this session looking at the ethical issues we face in society today.

Catch the Phish

Whats a hackers favourite hobby? Phishing. In this session we look at common scam emails from real life and the clues that give them away. You then act as a security professional by guessing which real life examples are phishing, and which are legitimate! Don't get caught!

Hacking Humans

This hour long online session looks at social engineering, the manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust, and how cyber criminals use techniques to scam people out of credentials and data. The session finishes with a look at the cyber kill chain with specific reference to the individual, from the criminal perspective.

Closing event 

A wrap up of the events of the week and a look further ahead into what the future holds for Information Security, for the University and for Higher Education as a whole.

CISO Simulation

Have you ever wanted to get into the shoes of a Chief Information Security Officer? To hold the budget. To make the tough choices. To foil those that would break into your network. Come get a taste of the big decisions in this simulated experience, deciding the path the company takes and whether they survive the oncoming storm, or fall apart at the seams.