Information Security awareness sessions schedule

Check this page for information on our current awareness sessions.

Sessions for Semester 1 2024/25 are now available to book


All sessions last 1 hour.

Students can book via the Event Booking Service (search for Information Security)

Staff can book via People & Money (Link goes direct to a list of sessions, or go to Learning and search for Information Security)


Date Time Session Location Description

18/09/2024 06/1/2024

10:00  10:00

How Hackers attack

Online - Blackboard Collaborate

This session looks at the techniques cyber criminals use to infiltrate organisations. A number of real-world ploys are discussed along with advice on how to protect yourself from compromise. This session is non-technical and of benefit to everyone.

24/09/2024 27/11/2024 10:00 10:00

Hacking Humans

Online - Blackboard Collaborate

This hour-long online session looks at social engineering, the manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust, and how cyber criminals use techniques to scam people out of credentials and data. The session finishes with a look at the cyber kill chain with specific reference to the individual, from the criminal perspective.

02/10/2024 27/11/2024 10:00 10:00

My neighbour hacked my toothbrush!

Online - Blackboard Collaborate

It has been said the geeks will inherit the earth, and when they do, they will put wi-fi everywhere! But as we connect our devices to the internet, criminals are turning their attention, not only to smart cities but to the smart devices in our kitchens and living rooms. This session considers the security implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) and provides top tips to consider when connecting devices in your home.

09/10/2024 19/11/2024 10:00 10:00 A.I and Cyber Security Online - Blackboard Collaborate

A.I. has rapidly become a feature of the threat landscape. This session considers what A.I. is and how cyber-attacks and cyber-defence have been impacted. Examples of both offensive and defensive strategies are featured. The session closes with a brief overview of regulation and the law as it relates to A.I. in what is a rapidly changing area.

16/10/2024 20/11/2024 10:00 10:00 Spotting Deep Fakes Online - Blackboard Collaborate

As virtual worlds and deep fakes become a reality, the means to clone ourselves and anyone else on the internet is no longer science fiction. Artificial Intelligence will provide huge benefits, but can be challenging for our existing data privacy laws. The question over data privacy and what A.I. may require in order to realise its potential is discussed along with the examples of deep fakes and how they are being utilised. The session concludes with advice on how to navigate a world where deep fakes are increasingly commonplace.

23/10/2024 04/12/2024

10:00 10:00

Mobile Phone Security

Online - Blackboard Collaborate

This talk provides a high-level overview of mobile phones and the security landscape they operate within. The attack surface along with examples of threats are highlighted along with top ten security tips to help with securing mobile devices.

30/10/2024 10/12/2024

10:00 10:00 Hacking, Cybercrime and the Movies Online - Blackboard Collaborate This presentation explores how the media has portrayed hacking and cybersecurity, featuring some classic films and the elements they get right and wrong. The talk concludes with suggesting that the image of cyber needs to change and poses the question does the present media portrayal limit the pool of potential candidates looking for a career in security.